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  4. Imageous With NSF Engagement Starts the Provision of Roby Receptionist, a Comprehensive Digital Transformation for Reception Operations
2022.11.01 information

Imageous With NSF Engagement Starts the Provision of Roby Receptionist, a Comprehensive Digital Transformation for Reception Operations

Imageous, Inc, an investee of Inspire Investment Corporation, and NSF Engagement (NSF) have jointly developed Roby Receptionist (RR) for the Japanese market. RR launches in November and provides comprehensive support for the procedures performed by employees who greet their customers at the door, in addition to the more labor-saving and unstaffed reception operations for companies and other organizations.

As new ways of working are taking hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a need for reception operations to evolve or adapt to a new reality. RR automates the routine processes of traditional reception operations and systems, complying with different operating rules for each tenant’s building. It links with Microsoft Outlook and Teams, which are already in place in many companies, to enhance the process of room reservations and rescheduling and making it smoother.
With the implementation of RR, visitors can complete the registration process in a contactless manner by scanning a QR code at check-in. In addition to reducing costs by automating the reception process, a company can also reduce costs and challenges that may arise, as it informs all members to participate in a meeting will be notified when the reception process is completed.

Imageous, the developer of RR, is a Seattle startup that has been providing technology solutions for smart buildings and offices based on Teams and Slack so far.
In 2019, the company entered into a technical alliance with NSF, which began as a joint venture between NTT Facilities Inc., and Sony Corporate Services (now Sony People Solutions) Inc. for facilities management and workplace solutions. They have been working together to develop specifications suitable for companies in Japan, taking advantage of their knowledge of the real world as a “group of general affairs experts” who have supported a variety of work environments.

RR has already been proven in companies supported by NSF, and will accelerate its deployment in Japan as a digital transformation solution for reception operations.

For more information, please visit the websites:
About Roby(Imageous official website)
About Roby Receptionist (NSF Engagement official website)